ÂŁ5 33 A
of the Amateur Entomologists' Society
World list abbreviation Bull amat. Ent. Soc. Registered Charity No. 267430
[natural history
2 8 MAY 2013
Index to
The Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologists' Society Vol. 71 (2012)
Edited by Dr Phil Wilkins, Paul Sokoloff,
Dr Peter Sutton, Dafydd Lewis and Wayne Jarvis
and to
Invertebrate Conservation News
Nos. 67, 68, 69 (2012) Edited by Dr David Lonsdale
Index compiled by Jacqueline Ruffle and Dr David Lonsdale
Published by
The Amateur Entomologists' Society P.O. Box 8774, London SW7 5ZG ISSN 0266-836X
The Amateur Entomologists’ Society All Rights Reserved
Natural History Museum Library
Alexander, Keith N.A.
Barclay, Maxwell V.L.
Bateman, Hilary Baxter, Ronald N.
Betts, Clive Burton, John F.
Caswell, Wesley Charlton, Isobel Cole, Stuart Curtis, Clive R.
Ellis, Hewett A.
Hamilton, Archie Harvey, Dominic Hodge, Peter Holland, Peter Houchin, Ben and Dylan Howard, Harriet Jarvis Wayne Keen, David
Lewis, Dafydd McLeod, Magnus McLeod, Rachel Mann, Darren Markham, Edward Millard, John Mockler, Jackson Newnham, Tim Partridge, Rob Pritchard, Katie Probert, Martin
Scott, Edmund Sokoloff, Paul (ed.)
Spence, George and Oliver Steele, Tony Sutton, Peter G.
Tilley, R.J.D.
Turner, Clive R. and Toby Waring, Paul Weir, Jamie C.
Williams, Peter
Wightman, A.J. (ed. Sokoloff, P.) Woolmer, John Youles, Mark
Part / Page
500: 2-3, 32-33; 504: 179-80; 505: 215-16 ICN 68: 12-13 504: 188-95 500: 22-23
502: 119-24; 504: 183-84
502: 106-08; 505: 231-38
503: 156-59
504: 210
504: 188-95
503: 146
504: 202-03
500: 24-32; 503: 139-45 504: 188-95 504: 188-95 502: 134-35 500: 18-20 504: 187, 188-95 504: 188-95 505: 217
502: 129; 503: 154, 173-75; 504: 204-09;
505: 240-45
502: 135-36; 504: 188-95; 211-12 504: 188-95 504: 188-95
502: 136-37; 504: 188-95 504: 188-95 502: 125-126 504: 188-95 505: 228-30
502: 131-32; 504: 181; 182 502: 115
500: 4-17; 502: 127-28, 130; 503: 160-64;
504: 200-02; 505: 225-27, 239 504: 188-95 503: 167-72 504: 185-86; 188-95 505: 224
501: 45-49, 50-62, 63-71, 78-81, 82-93, 94-103
502: 116-18
504: 188-95
500: 34-35; 502: 109-15
503: 165-66; 505: 222-23
504: 188-95
503: 167-72
500: 36-40; 504: 196-99; 505: 246-52 500: 21
Part / page
AES Exhibition 2012
Exhibition report 505: 217
AES Exhibition 2012: exhibit reports 505: 218-221
Collection of butterflies from the Southern Ural
Mountains, European Russia 505: 220-21
In defence of wasps (social ones that is) 505: 219
Pyrausia aerealis - new to Britain 505: 218
Scarlet tiger moth 505: 218
Some insects from Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania during March 2012 505: 219-20
Organic farming: why is big business so worried ? (Letter to
Ed.) ICN 68: 12-13
Spider Sue - R.I.P 504: 210
Endangered dragonflies in eastern Australia ICN 67: 11-13
Bees see: Hymenoptera Beetles see: Coleoptera Behaviour
Can caterpillars count? - the Grey Dagger, Acronicta psi
(Lep.: Noctuidae) 505: 225-27
Damselfly with two abdomens (Odonata: Coenagriidae) 504: 200-02
How do species of Lepidoptera with apterous females
colonise isolated trees? 504: 183-84
Pair of speckled bush-crickets? 504: 182
Processionary larvae in a closed circuit (Lep.:
Thaumatopoeidae) 502: 127-28
Study of gregariousness - larvae of the Buff-tip Phalera bucephala (L.) (Lep.: Notodontidae), and similarities
with Thaumatopoeidae 500: 4-17
Swarming of Migrant Hawkers 504: 181
Unusual note concerning Rhyssa persuasoria Hym.,
Ichneumonidae 503: 165-66; 505: 222-23
Book Reviews
Buzzing! 504: 211-12
Ecology and evolution of dung beetles 502: 136-37
Guide to the British freshwater macroinvertebrates for biotic
assessment 500: 32-33
Keys to adults of the water beetles of Britain & Ireland (pt.l) 502: 134-35
Ladybirds (Coccinellidae) of Britain and Ireland 502: 135-36
Las Mariposas diurnas de Sierra Nevada 503: 175
Butterflies see: Lepidoptera Coleoptera
Asian Longhorn beetle: bad news in the UK ICN 68: 7-9 '
Chlaenius vestitus Paykull, 1790 and Scarites buparius (Forster, 1771), new to the Ionian Islands, and other
carabids from Corfu (Kerkira) 501: 82-93
Cybister tripunctatus ssp. africanus Laporte, 1855, Dytiscus mutinensis (Pederzani, 1971), and other large water
beetles in Corfu (Kerkira) 501: 50-62
Declining ground beetle populations in the UK ICN 69: 8-9
Does the Figwort weevil breed on buddleia? 504: 202-03
False Darkling beetle Phloiotrya vaudoueri
(Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Melandryidae) : a new foodplant
identified for a colony breeding in August 504: 187
Harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis, a visitor to my
garden in Essex 502: 119-24
Melolontha melolontha [Poem] 502: 115
Oil beetle rediscovered in Lincolnshire after 28 years ICN 68: 9-10
Oxythyrea cinctella (Schaum, 1841) and other members of
the Cetoniidae from Corfu (Kerkira) 501: 78-81
Rugged oil beetle in south-west England ICN 67: 10
Sailor beetles - Cantharis rustica (Col., Cantharidae), leks
and Mullerian mimicry rings 503: 160-64
Some recollections on the hazards of moth collecting 503: 167-72
Conservation see: all entries showing "ICN"
(Invertebrate Conservation News)
Corfu see: Greece
Another “killer shrimp” introduced to the UK ICN 69: 5
Fairy Shrimp at Imber, Salisbury Plain ICN 69: 6
Spread of the “killer shrimp” in the UK ICN 68: 4-5
Invertebrates of coarse woody debris in streams ICN 68: 10
AES and Bug Club Residential Weekend at the Hill End
Centre, 2012 504: 185-86
Enquiries at an AES entomological workshop 502: 130
Insect species recorded at the Hill End Centre near Wytham
Wood, August 2012 504: 188-95
Abundance of Jersey Tiger, Euplagia quadripunctaria (Lep.:
Arctiidae) in 2012... 505: 224
Advice for farmers in the East of England: partnership
between RSPB and Buglife ICN 67: 7
Aldwych Vapourers 505:239
Brownfield butterflies in Staffordshire, England ICN 69: 6-7
Drought in England ICN 67: 9-10
High Speed Rail project in England ICN 67: 3-5
How do species of Lepidoptera with apterous females
colonise isolated trees? 504: 183-84
Insect species recorded at the Hill End Centre near Wytham
Wood, August 2012 504: 188-95
Insects of a small suburban garden No. 3 503: 146
My summer of giants! 505: 231-38
Oil beetle rediscovered in Lincolnshire after 28 years ICN 68: 9-10
Olympic sites: more conflict with conservation ICN 68: 11
Pyrausia aerealis - new to Britain 505: 218
Rugged oil beetle in south-west England ICN 67: 10
Short-haired bumblebee re-introduced to UK ICN 68: 11
Some insects seen in Dorset, 2011 500: 22-23
Summer swarm of Red Admirals 502: 125-126
Thames Estuary Airport for London? ICN 67: 2-3
Help wanted - an historic entomologist Mr W.A. Cope 500:21
Talking of butterflies, moths and L. Hugh Newman 500: 34-35
New report on predicted extinction rates of invertebrates ICN 69: 1-4
Attitudes to ragwort in the UK ICN 67: 5-7
Brownfield butterflies in Staffordshire, England ICN 68: 7
Does the Figwort weevil breed on buddleia? 504: 202-03
Mourning Cloak at Chamonix [Story] 500: 36-40
Garden habitats
Habitat connections between urban gardens ICN 69: 12-13
Longevity and late dates for British and German Orthoptera,
plus a predation record 503: 156-59
Grasshoppers see: Orthoptera
Chlaenius vestitus Paykull, 1790 and Scarites buparius (Forster, 1771), new to the Ionian Islands, and other
carabids from Corfu (Kerkira) 501: 82-93
Cybister tripunctatus ssp. africanus Laporte, 1855, Dytiscus mutinensis (Pederzani, 1971), and other large water
beetles in Corfu (Kerkira) 501: 50-62
Key identification features for the Red-veined Darter Sympetrum fonscolombii (Selys, 1840) and other
Odonata in Corfu (Kerkira) 501: 45-49
Oxythyrea cinctella (Schaum, 1841) and other members of
the Cetoniidae from Corfu (Kerkira) 501: 78-81
Revised checklist of the butterflies (Rhopalocera) of Corfu
(Kerkira) 501: 63-77
Tropidopola graeca graeca Uvarov, 1926, newly recorded
for Corfu (Kerkira) and other Orthoptera of interest 501: 94-103
Insect surprises in Hungary 502: 106-08
Insect surprises in Hungary 502: 106-08
Parasitoids (Hymenoptera) of Coleophora serratella L.
(Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) in South
Northumberland 502: 139-45
Primary solitary egg parasitoid (Hymenoptera:
Proctotrupoidea, Scelionidae) of The Vapourer, Orgyia
antiquaL. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) 500: 24-32
Unusual note concerning Rhyssa persuasoria Hym.,
Ichneumonidae 503: 165-66; 505: 222-23
Short-haired bumblebee re-introduced to UK ICN 68: 11
Invasive species
Another “killer shrimp” introduced to the UK ICN 69: 3
Ash disease in plants imported into the UK ICN 68: 6-7
Asian Longhorn beetle: bad news in the UK ICN 68: 7-9
Further news of ash dieback in the UK ICN 69: 4-5
Spread of the “killer shrimp” in the UK ICN 68: 4-5
Sweet chestnut blight found in UK ICN 68: 5-6
Good news about mussels in Jersey ICN 67: 13
European consultation on invasive species ICN 68: 9
Final version of National Planning Policy Framework in the
UK ICN 68: 3-4
Review of the list of species protected in Great Britain ICN 68: 3
Abundance of Jersey Tiger, Euplagia quadripunctaria in
2012 505: 224
Aldwych Vapourers 505: 239
Brownfield butterflies in Staffordshire, England ICN 69: 6-7
Browns can be beautiful [Story] 505: 246-52
Butterflies in Wellington, New Zealand 502: 116-18
Can caterpillars count? — the Grey Dagger, Acronicta psi
(Lep.: Noctuidae) 505: 225-27
Collection of butterflies from the Southern Ural Mountains,
European Russia 505: 220-21
Gypsy Moth Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) 504: 210
Hour of butterflies 502 : 131-33
How do species of Lepidoptera with apterous females
colonise isolated trees? 504: 183-84
Letter from Spain: 16th in a series — Spanish winter
butterflies, notes on 2011 -12 and a species review 504: 204-09
Letter from Spain: 17th in a series — British immigrant Lepidoptera found in Andalucia. Part 1 : Introduction
and the butterflies 505: 240-45
Mourning Cloak at Chamonix [Story] 500: 36-40
Parasitoids (Hymenoptera) of Coleophora serratella L.
(Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) in South
Northumberland 502 : 139-45
Primary solitary egg parasitoid (Hymenoptera:
Proctotrupoidea, Scelionidae) of The Vapourer, Orgyia
antiquaL. ( Lepidoptera : Lymantriidae) 500: 24-32
Processionary larvae in a closed circuit (Lep.:
Thaumatopoeidae) 502: 127-28
Revised checklist of the butterflies (Rhopalocera) of Corfu
(Kerkira) 501: 63-77
Scarlet tiger moth 505: 218
Some recollections on the hazards of moth collecting 503: 167-72
Study of gregariousness - larvae of the Buff-tip Phalera bucephala (L.) (Lep.: Notodontidae), and similarities
with Thaumatopoeidae 500: 4-17
Summer swarm of Red Admirals 502: 125-26
Swallowtail feeding on almond blossom 502: 129
Swarming of Migrant Hawkers 504: 181
Talking of butterflies, moths and L. Hugh Newman 500: 34-35
Unusual hindwing of the Seraphim moth 500: 18-20
Week on the Isle of Arran 505: 228-30
Light pollution
Street lighting affects invertebrate community structure ICN 69: 13
Longevity and late dates for British and German Orthoptera,
plus a predation record 503: 156-59
Spider Sue - R.I.P 504: 210
Sailor beetles - Cantharis rustica (Col, Cantharidae), leks
and Mullerian mimicry rings 503: 160-64
Europe’s freshwater molluscs under threat ICN 67: 10-11
Good news about mussels in Jersey ICN 67: 13
The unusual hindwing of the Seraphim moth 500: 18-20
Moths see: Lepidoptera New Zealand
Butterflies in Wellington, New Zealand 502: 116-18
Damselfly with two abdomens (Odonata: Coenagriidae) 504: 200-02
Endangered dragonflies in eastern Australia ICN 67: 11-13
Key identification features for the Red-veined Darter Sympetrum fonscolombii (Selys, 1840) and other
Odonata in Corfu (Kerkira) 501: 45-49
Longevity and late dates for British and German Orthoptera,
plus a predation record 503: 156-59
Pair of Speckled Bush-crickets? 504: 182
Tropidopola graeca graeca Uvarov, 1926, newly recorded
for Corfu (Kerkira) and other Orthoptera of interest 501: 94-103
Parasitoids (Hymenoptera) of Coleophora serratella L.
(Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) in South
Northumberland 502: 139-45
Primary solitary egg parasitoid (Hymenoptera:
Proctotrupoidea, Scelionidae) of The Vapourer, Orgyia
antiqua L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) 500: 24-32
Neonicotinoid and other pesticides: further evidence of
harm to bees ICN 69: 9-11
Melolontha melolontha 502: 115
Letter from Spain: 15th in a series; more information about
the insects seen during my trip to Portugal in May 2011 502: 154-55
Longevity and late dates for British and German Orthoptera,
plus a predation record 503: 156-59
Bombus subterraneus ICN 68: 11
Collection of butterflies from the Southern Ural Mountains,
European Russia 505: 220-21
New Scottish Invertebrate Habitat Management documents ICN 67: 8-9
Week on the Isle of Arran 505: 228-30
Letter from Spain: 16th in a series - Spanish winter
butterflies, notes on 2011 -12 and a species review 504: 204-09
Letter from Spain: 17th in a series - British immigrant Lepidoptera found in Andalucia. Part 1 : Introduction
and the butterflies 505: 240-45
My summer of giants! 505: 231-38
Swallowtail feeding on almond blossom 502: 129
Size of insects
My summer of giants! 505: 231-38
Stinging or biting of humans
Tale of two Emperors (Saturniidae) — in New Orleans,
Louisiana, and Little Rock, Arkansas, USA 502: 109-15
Brown can be beautiful 505: 246-52
Mourning Cloak at Chamonix 500: 36-40
Udzungwa National Park (Southern Tanzania) April 2012 504: 196-99
Tale of two Emperors (Saturniidae) - in New Orleans,
Louisiana, and Little Rock, Arkansas, USA 502: 109-15
Acraea egina 504: 196-99 Acronictapsi 505:225-27 Actiasluna 502: 109-15 Aeshna mixta 500: 22-2; 504: 181 Aiolopus thalassinus 501:94-103 Anacridium aegyptium 505:231-38 Anoplophora glabripennis ICN 68: 7-9 Antanartia schaeneia 504: 196-99 Anthocharis damone 501:63-77 Archaeophya adamsi ICN 67: 12 Argynnis lathonia 505:240-45 Aricia agestis ICN 69: 7 Asilus crabroniformis 503: 159 Austrocordulia leonardi ICN 67: 12 Austropotomobius pallipes ICN 68: 10
Bicyclus ena 504: 196-99 Bombus mastrucatus 502: 106-08 Bombus ruderatus ICN 67: 7 Bombus subterraneus ICN 68: 11
Cantharis rustica 503: 160-64 Carabus coriaceus cerisyi 501: 82-93 Carabus presli neumeyeri 501: 82-93 Caraxes castor 504: 196-99 Car axes haumanni 504: 196-99 Castanea sativa (plant) ICN 68: 5-6 Chalara fraxinea (fungus) ICN 68: 6- 7; ICN 69: 4-5
Chalcopbora mariana 505: 231-38 Chalcosyrphus eunotus ICN 68: 10 Chirocephalus diaphanus ICN 69: 6 Chlaenius spp. 501: 82-93 Cicindela campestris olivieria 501: 82- 93
Cionus scrophulariae 504:202-03 Coccinella 7-punctata 502: 119-24 Coenagrion pulchellum 501:45-49 Coleophora serratella 503: 139-45 Colias spp. 505: 240-45 Corthippus albomarginatus 503: 157- 78
Corthippus biguttulus 503: 157 Corthippus brunneus 503:157 Corthippus dorsatus 503: 157
Corthippus parallelus 503: 158 Cryphonectria parasitica (fungus) ICN 68: 5-6
Cyaniris semiargus 505:240-45 Cy bister lateralimarginalis 501: 50-62 Cy bister tripunctatus ssp. africanus 501: 50-62
Cynthia spp. 505: 240-45
Danaus plexippus 502: 116-18; 505: 240-45
Dikerogammarus spp. ICN 68: 4-5; ICN 69: 5
Dreissena polymorpha ICN 68: 5 Dytiscus spp. 501: 50-62; 505: 231-38
Erebia ligea 505: 246-252 Erynnis tages ICN 69: 7 Erythromma najas 504: 200-01 Euphaedra neophron 504: 196-99 Eupholidoptera chabrieri garganica 501: 94-103
Eupithecia pygmaeata ICN 69: 7 Euplagia quadripunctaria 505: 224 Everes argiades 505 : 240-45
Fraxinus spp. (plants) ICN 68: 6-7;
ICN 69: 4-5
Gomphocerripus rufus 503: 157 Gryllotalpa sp. 501: 94-103
Harmonia axyridis 502: 119-24 Hemileuca maia 502:109-115 Hipparchia volgensis 501: 63-77 Hyles livomica 500: 34-35
Ischnura elegans 501: 45-49
Junonia sophia 504: 196-99
Lampides boeticus 505:240-45 Leptophyes punctatissima 503: 156; 504: 182
Lestes barbarius 501:45-49 Lobophora halterata 500: 18-20 Lycaena salustius 502: 116-18 Lymantria dispar 504:210
Mantis religiosa 505:231-38 Margaratifera spp. ICN 67: 10-11 Meconema meridionale 503: 156 Meconema thalassinum 503: 158 Melanogryllus desertus 501:94-103 Meloe proscarabaeus ICN 68: 9 Meloe rugosus ICN 67: 10 Melolontha melolontha 502:115 Myas chalybaeus 501:82-93
Nemobius sylvestris 503: 156 Nymphalis spp. 500: 36-40; 505: 240- 45
Omocestus rufipes 503: 159 Orgyia antiqua 500: 24-32; 504: 183- 84; 505: 239
Oxythyrea spp. 501: 78-81 P
Paludinella littorina ICN 67: 13 Papilio machaon 502:129 Parapleurus alliacaeus 503: 156 Petalura spp. ICN 67: 11-12 Phalera bucephala 500: 4-17' Phaneroptera falcata 503 : 158 Phloiotrya vaudoueri 504: 187 Phyllonorycter scabiosella ICN 68: 11 Pierisnapi 503:131-33 Pieris rapae 502: 116-18 Pontia daplidice 505:240-45 Prionus corarius 505:231-38 Pseudacraea boisduvali 504: 196-99 Pseudophilotes vicrama 501: 63-77 Pterapherapteryx sexalata 500: 18-20 Pteronemobius beydenii 501: 94-103 Pyrgus malvae 501: 63-77; ICN 69: 7
Reticulitermes lucifugus 501: 94-103 Rhyssa persuasoria 503: 165-66; 505: 222-23
Scarites buparius 501: 82-93 Segmentina nitida ICN 67 : 7 Spuleria flavicaput ICN 69: 7 Sympetrum fonscolombii 501: 45-49
Telenomus sp. 500: 24-32 Thymelicus acteon 501:63-77 Tropidopola graeca graeca 501 : 94- 103
Tropinota hirta 501:78-81 Truncatella subcylindrica ICN 67: 13 Tyria jacobaeae ICN 67: 7
Uroceras gigas 505: 231-38 V
Vanessa atalanta 502: 125-18; 505: 240-45
Vanessa spp. 502: 116-18 Varroa destructor ICN 69: 11 Vertigo desmoulinsiana ICN 68: 5
Xylocopa sp. 505: 231-38 Z
Zerynthia polyxena 501:63-77